The Threat of Malicious Email Addresses to Your Business: What You Need to Know

The Threat of Malicious Email Addresses to Your Business: What You Need to Know

Unwanted usage of email addresses can put legitimate businesses in a perilous situation. This article offers insight into how to avoid using them and the consequences of encountering other uses such addresses, as well as highlighting the protection offered by s͛Card's Security & Privacy Policy for professional business networking.

In order to stay one step ahead of malicious cyber criminals, be sure to protect yourself against email addresses they may use. It's important to remember that criminals are constantly trying to find ways to gain access to your personal and financial information, or they are hired by companies to spread products or services through malicious emails.

These are some of the email addresses cybercriminals commonly use:

  • Random numbers, symbols and letters - Cyber criminals will often use random numbers, symbols and letter combinations when sending malicious emails, as these types of addresses can easily be created and used to send out thousands of messages at once.
  • Some cunning criminals will use cutting-edge software to create multiple versions of their email addresses by using symbols like "-", "_" and "." as an alternate if any are blocked by a mail server.
  • Generic email addresses - There are a plethora of generic email addresses that cybercriminals can use. Examples include admin@, support_team@, info@, hackers@ and contact@. These types of email addresses are often used to send out malicious emails, such as phishing schemes or scams, in the hopes of luring unsuspecting victims into providing their personal information.
  • There are some malicious individuals who could go to the extent of creating convincing emails that look real in order to obtain your confidential information, which might result in severe financial losses.

We remembered that we encountered a few people at our exhibition booth on October 2022 who had emails rejected by s͛Card's registration system. We suggested they use alternative emails to register, but they refused, and we didn't try to persuade them further as it was clear what their intentions were at that time. While we hope to be mistaken, the possibility of such malicious intent is deeply concerning for businesses who exhibited there.

As you can observe, s͛Card does more than just protect against potential malicious users entering the business ecosystem - it also allows users to be sure that those who use s͛Card for networking have legitimate credentials and maintain a higher standard of credibility.

Discover how s͛Card keeps your data secure and private with its Security & Privacy Policy.

Consequently, if you want to gain success in networking, make sure that your email account looks credible. Otherwise, your messages may be delivered straight into the junk folder or, worse, ignored completely. We hope this article has given you enough knowledge and insight to succeed in reaching out through s͛Card - a tool for successful connections!


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