AI Assist - Edit Profile - s͛Card Business
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AI Assist - Edit Profile

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Category: What's New

Introducing AI Assist by s͛Card

Making a lasting first impression is crucial, especially in how you appear, communicate, and present yourself to potential clients. To aid in crafting this vital impression, s͛Card now includes AI Assist, a tool designed to benefit everyone, from individuals to businesses, in enhancing their profile presentation.


At s͛Card, we constantly seek the finest technologies to advance our users' professional experiences. AI Assist is part of this commitment, offering access to top-tier tech for networking, lead generation, and communication enhancement.


AI Assist - Create
This function is designed to help you create an outstanding self-introduction for your profile. After extensive research and analysis, we have realised that many of us need help writing an effective introduction. This initial hurdle can prevent us from utilising one of the most powerful networking tools (s͛Card). Therefore, overcoming this obstacle and starting somewhere to unlock our full potential is crucial.

How to start

  • After you register, verify your account via email, and the first time you log in, you can access the edit profile section (if not, tap on the top right hamburger menu and choose Profile > Edit Profile).
  • First, enter your name; if you could try to complete your profile, like company name, contact details, and social media links, upload the images that are required, like profile image and logo image and save the settings before using the AI Assist to create, as it will help the AI to know you better. 
  • Once you have completed your profile details, you can try out the AI Assist Create feature by tapping the button on the right-hand side of the screen (you can also view a demo video). The feature will prompt you to provide some keywords about yourself, such as your unique qualifications and accomplishments. Share your skills, awards, and community involvement to showcase how you stand out. By applying the 5W1H strategy, we aim to assist users in creating a strong profile and personal brand.


  • Generating and regenerating will take some time as AI requires time to understand how to write or rewrite the best profile for you.
  • If the content is not what you wanted, you can regenerate or use that write-up to continue with your words.
  • There is also a weekly limit to using AI Assist, as we provide this service FREE for all our users.
  • The AI Assist - Create is only for Pro Account users as they have a Profile Description.


AI Assist - Rewrite

This function is aimed at assisting you in creating the best self-introduction for your profile. Through extensive research and analysis, we have come to realize that many of us struggle to write an effective introduction, even the most creative among us need inspiration. This initial hurdle can prevent us from utilizing one of the most powerful networking tools (s͛Card). Therefore, it is crucial to overcome this obstacle and start somewhere to unlock our full potential.

How to start

  • After you register, verify your account via email, and the first time you log in, you can access the edit profile section (if not, tap on the top right hamburger menu and choose Profile > Edit Profile).
  • First, enter your name; if you could try to complete your profile, like company name, contact details, and social media links, upload the images that are required, like profile image and logo image and save the settings before using the AI Assist to create, as it will help the AI to know you better. 
  • If you already have a self-introduction or profile write-up and want to improve it using AI Assist - Rewrite features, you can tap the button on the left-hand side of the screen. You can also watch a demo video to see how it works. The feature will use the information you have entered and generate the best profile write-up for you. Our aim is to help you create a strong profile and personal brand by applying the 5W1H strategy.


  • Generating and regenerating will take some time as AI requires time to understand how to write or rewrite the best profile for you.
  • If the content is not what you wanted, you can regenerate or use that write-up to continue with your words.
  • There is also a weekly limit to using AI Assist, as we provide this service FREE for all our users.
  • The AI Assist - Rewrite is only for Pro Account users as they have a Profile Description.



Important Note:

  • AI Assist focuses on improving your self-presentation and introduction to visitors on your profile. These visitors, your prospects, will better understand you and your work, fostering their interest and encouraging further engagement.
  • Please note that AI Assist is an augmentation tool and may vary in effectiveness among users.