Spotify profile podcast - s͛Card
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Adding Spotify Profile, Podcast, Podcast Playlist and Playlist

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Category: Setup Profile

Adding your Spotify Profile, Playlist, Podcast or Podcast Playlist on your s͛Card Profile will help you increase your followers. 


Here are some examples.

  • Michelle uses Spotify to share the music she likes or creates with other users. It would be too aggressive for her to go around asking people to visit her playlist or profile. Instead, she can list it on her s͛Card Profile, which also serves as a digital business card that she can use to network with people virtually and physically. This creates business opportunities and widens the audiences in the music industry, as Michelle can have her contact information such as websites, contact email, contact number and even a social merchandising page.

  • By having their podcast page or specific playlist listed on their s͛Card Profile, content creators such as Ruben and Tim can easily share it with potential investors or advertisers interested in what they offer. Additionally, this allows them to reach a broader audience as other information is included in their profile.

  • If you're a cafe owner who uses Spotify Premium, you can list your playlists on your Cafe/Business profile. That way, customers who are missing the atmosphere of your establishment can listen to the same songs miles away and get homesick for their favourite drinks and food items. Not only can cafes use Spotify Premium, but any business can. Does this give you some ideas on incorporating Spotify into your s͛Card Profile?



To add your Spotify Playlist, you will need to open up the Spotify app and locate your desired playlist. After that, share the playlist by copying the link. Once you have copied the link, head to your s͛Card Edit Profile, scroll to Social Media / Online Store and add Spotify Playlist. After that, paste the share link earlier and save your settings.


After you paste the share link into the field and tap the save setting at the bottom of the page, you are done. Your Spotify Playlist will look something like this:



To add your Spotify Podcasts or Podcast Playlist.

To add your Spotify Podcast, you must open up the Spotify app and locate your desired Podcast Page or Podcast Playlist. After that, share the playlist by copying the link. Once you have copied the link, head to your s͛Card Edit Profile, scroll to Social Media / Online Store and add Spotify Podcast or Podcast Playlist. After that, paste the share link earlier and save your settings.


After you paste the share link into the field and tap the save setting at the bottom of the page, you are done. Your Spotify Podcast or PodcastPlaylist will look something like this:

Podcast Page

Podcast Playlist



To add your Spotify Profile, you must open the Spotify app and locate your desired playlist. After that, share the profile by copying the link. Once you have copied the link, head to your s͛Card Edit Profile, scroll to Social Media / Online Store and add your Spotify Profile. After that, paste the share profile link earlier and save your settings.


After you paste the share link into the field and tap the save setting at the bottom of the page, you are done. Your Spotify Profile will look something like this:


Note: Pasting of short links or other URL-tracking links is prohibited. If you do that, you will risk your s͛Card Profile being suspended. We only allow links provided by Spotify in their app.