Is my contact information safe on s͛Card when stored by s͛Card users?
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Is my contact information safe on s͛Card when stored by s͛Card users?


Your contact information is safe and secure when stored in another user's s͛Card contact list. The s͛Card contact list functions as a private repository for each user, distinct from their public s͛Card profile, designed to showcase professional details for networking purposes. When a user adds your contact details to their list, it is akin to them holding onto a physical business card you've handed out. They can share this information, but it remains a private exchange between individuals.

However, it's crucial to recognise that the responsibility for sharing your contact information rests with the individual who possesses it. s͛Card emphasises the importance of using contact details responsibly and legally but is not liable for users who misuse your information. For highly private information, it's advisable to ensure it's not shared in a manner that could lead to unintended collection or receipt.

Furthermore, s͛Card plays a proactive role in maintaining transparency by notifying you via email when another user saves your contact details. This feature gives you insight into who has access to your information. Users have the flexibility to store their contact information in their s͛Card and can download or remove it at their discretion.

It's also important to note that if a user's account is associated with or linked to their company, their contact list may synchronise with the company's main business contacts database. This mirrors traditional practices, where your contact information might be stored in a company's database upon receiving your physical business card. s͛Card simplifies this process for businesses, mitigating risks such as data loss, theft, or the creation of unnecessary duplicates and ensuring the privacy and security of your contact information.


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